This year, after many years talking about it, we finally took a vacation to Hawaii. Although a bit expensive, everyone had a great time, and were very sad to leave. I don’t suspect it will be long before we return.
The most challenging question was which island to visit? Since we were looking for an opportunity to decompress after a challenging few years, we opted to visit the “Garden Island” of Kauai. When they say garden, they don’t mean like your mom’s rose garden. Think Garden of Eden. Two famous shows were filmed on the island or at least footage of the island was used. I imagine there have been many more than two but the ones that I’m aware of are Fantasy Island and Jurassic Park. We did get to visit the site used for the opening sequence of Fantasy Island, but did not have an opportunity to visit the region that provided a lot of footage for Jurassic Park. We’ll have to do that the next time.
As I complete posts about various points in our journey, the will appear below. I hope you enjoy this mini travelogue. Mahalo!