Category Image The Black Bomb Returns 

 The title is a bit of an inside family joke.  When we lived in Carpentersville, we had a black bike which was old in those days (35 years ago?).  I think I saw one of its brothers in an article today which is what I'm really blogging about.


This 92 year old gentleman's 3-speed Schwinn is now 56 years old.  He rides it about 14 miles every day, and takes much longer rides for his birthday (for his 80th, he rode 100 miles up to Oxnard).  You can read the whole story here.  On top of all that, he's a UCLA alum, so he has to be cool :).  This really highlights how much fun you can have cycling instead of driving everywhere.

Posted: Wednesday - June 11, 2008 at 10:22 AM          
